Our school offers activities and events to nurture a love for learning, fostering relationships, and helping the community through Christ-centered values.

Special Events
Social gatherings give students and families an opportunity to build community with each other and make life-long memories. Events include Run4OAE, science fair, Muffins with Moms, Donuts with Dad, international food festival, and much more!
Community Service
Students have many opportunities to contribute to the local community and lead service projects, including the local food bank, Oceanside Adventist Church, local senior centers and preschools, and much more.
Middle school students participate in a big buddy program that cultivates social learning and responsibility. Each week, they work with K-2 students on reading, classroom work, art projects, and serve as mentors to help lower grades learn and grow. They also partner with K-2 and assist teachers on field trips.
Field Trips
All students at Oceanside Adventist Elementary participate in field trips to local museums, theaters, nature habitats, etc. for field study and to learn outside the classroom.
All students in OAE participate in choir throughout the school day. Students in grades TK-4 learn to sing age-appropriate worship songs that they perform at a special program during a church service in the fall. The 5th-8th grade choir practices learning how to sing from sheet music, and performs at a special music program during church service in the spring. A bonus experience for the seventh and eighth graders is choral festival, in which students join with local Adventist schools to sing in a 200-voice mass choir.
Students in grades 5-8 are eligible to participate in varsity sports including flag football, volleyball, and basketball. Volunteer coaches lead practice twice weekly in learning new skills and strategy. OAE teams play games with local small schools to give students an opportunity to practice their skills in a game setting.
Students in grades 3-4 may be invited to participate in practice for teams as space allows.
Ukulele Class
Students cycle through a special ukulele class taught by a local volunteer. Students learn basic chords with the goal of learning several worship songs throughout the quarter.
Character Education and Chapel
All OAE students participate in weekly chapel programs. Upon arrival in the chapel building, students are encouraged to recite the Bible verse of the week to receive a small prize. Students participate in the chapel program by leading songs and special music, prayer, the pledge of allegiance, and announcements.
Camping and Overnight Field Trips
OAE provides several opportunities for multi-day learning experiences! First and second grades plan a family camping weekend every-other spring. Fifth and Sixth graders attend a science camp each year for three-four days. Seventh and Eighth graders rotate between a trip to Catalina Island Marine Institute and Washington DC.
Fifth and sixth grades are Reading Buddies to the students at our neighboring preschool. Once a week, they walk across the street to read to the preschoolers. This program strengthens our own students’ reading skills, and the preschoolers enjoy having “the Big Kids” come visit them! Seventh and Eighth graders are Big Buddies on our own campus. Each student has a Little Buddy in grades TK, K, and 1. Buddies work together on classroom projects once weekly, and develop a special bond as they interact on the playground and at chapel.
For more information on how to enroll or to schedule a tour of the school, please call (760) 722-6894.